Arte y disidencia en la sociedad fragmentada

  1. Ion Andoni del Amo Castro
  2. Arkaitz Letamendia Onzain
  3. Jason Diaux González
Ausart aldizkaria: arte ikerkuntzarako aldizkaria = journal for research in art = revista para la investigación en arte

ISSN: 2340-8510 2340-9134

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Disidencia y Sistema/Sistema y disidencia ¿Es todavía posible hoy una crítica al sistema desde las prácticas artísticas?

Volume: 6

Issue: 2

Pages: 23-34

Type: Article

More publications in: Ausart aldizkaria: arte ikerkuntzarako aldizkaria = journal for research in art = revista para la investigación en arte


The question of the possibility of dissidence in the field of art refers to its political significance, its ability to transform the social environment. To investigate the role of art and dissidence, in this article we delve into what kind of art and cultural practices connect with dissidences with political incidence. We propose to contextualize historically the two great cultural and artistic frameworks of the last century, the modern and the postmodern. Through these frameworks, we chronologically address the role of modern artistic avant-gardes, musical subcultures and digital youtubers in current societies, and their potential for political transformation. We conclude that dissidence in art, in socially and culturally fragmented contemporary societies, refers especially to its collective reconstruction.

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