Hainbeste ahalegindu behar naiz euskalduna izateko? Euskal(dun)tasuna(k) aztertzen

  1. Ion Andoni del Amo Castro
Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía

ISSN: 0210-7732

Año de publicación: 2017

Título del ejemplar: Euskal Identitatea(k)

Número: 52

Páginas: 71-95

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía


Identity is constantly being built and there is no single Basque identity there are many ways to be Basque. The historical context both in the Basque Country and abroad establishes an essential framework in which Basque identity and its complementary practica! and theoretical aspects of innovation are regenerated. This work focuses on our last 60-year history, analyzing the configurations provided in the field of culture and identity, and linking them with those of Western societies. We also try to suggest sorne possible future keys. The work is based mainly on our own research complemented in dialogue with other works