Dale, dale, dale. La construcción de imaginarios híbridos y el desplazamiento de elementos locales en la práctica artística
ISSN: 2530-9986
Año de publicación: 2018
Número: 2
Páginas: 71-82
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: ANIAV - Revista de Investigación en Artes Visuales
Immaterial, fragmented and liquid contemporary visual culture is permeated by processes of globalization that are articulated around the mechanisms of production, distribution and the consumerism of images. The apparent fluidity, simultaneity and transparency from which they are built and propagated comes into direct conflict with the material reality of borders that keeps appearing and walls constantly keep restricting free movement, thereby colliding with the model that sells the idea of an increasingly connected and inclusive world.These pieces of evidence and contradictions highlight some features of the contemporary paradigm, where it is pressing to create a space to question the directions in which current hybrid visualities are heading and the immediacy with which they are modified, which -in a constant loop of redefinition- are shaping a constantly moving system that triggers social behavior patterns and dynamics which are difficult to consolidate among individuals.The aim is to analyze the form of construction and permanent mobility of these ‘other’ imaginaries that feed on ‘the particular’ to transgress their sense-filled sphere. We shall start by approaching a specific element; ‘the piñata’, from its notion of belonging to different contexts and time frames in order to delve into its connotations based on insertion and displacement in the work of the artists Diego Nessi, Teresa Serrano and in a personal project developed with a grant for artistic production in the Foundation BilbaoArte throughout 2016. We shall end by responding to the structure of relationships that break out of their traditional boundaries, using artistic practice to question the consequences and repercussions of the ongoing crisis in which we are immersed.
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