Non-argument agreements: an approach to basque allocutivity

  1. Aitor Lizardi
  2. Manex Munduate

ISSN: 2013-2247

Año de publicación: 2015

Número: 5

Páginas: 321-350

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Dialectologia


In this article Basque allocutivity is studied by offering its general properties, morphological and syntactical features and the main dialectal varieties of this phenomenon. Amo ng others, two main ideas are developed here: on the one hand, we see the - i - morpheme as an allocutive flag, independent from the dative flag, while both were described as one single morpheme until now. On the other hand, we show that two tendencies can b e described among the Basque dialects and sociolects as regards its syntactic restrictions.

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