El Tardiglaciar en la cueva de Santa Catalina (Lekeitio, Bizkaia). Evaluación del medio vegetal a través del registro polínico

  1. Iriarte Chiapusso, María José
Kobie .Bizkaiko Arkeologi Indusketak = Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Bizkaia

ISSN: 2341-3689

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakien izenburua: La cueva de Santa Catalina (Lekeitio): La intervención arqueológica. Restos vegetales, animales y humanos

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 59-74

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Kobie .Bizkaiko Arkeologi Indusketak = Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Bizkaia


Due to preservation problems of pollen in the site, we only have palaeopalinological information in two levels: the basal level (level IV: archaeologically sterile) and the uppermost one (level I: Azilian). Both of them fit with stadial phases (GS-2 and GS-1, respectively) of the Late Glacial, although the vegetation dynamics show several nuances. The predominant open landscape of GS-2 is a result of more adverse palaeo-environmental conditions than the GS-1, in which the dynamics of different vegetation components announce the Holocene climate warming.