Nola ikusten dute euskararen biziberritzea atzerrian?hizkuntza gutxituekin diharduen unibertsitate baten kasua: SOAS unibertsitateko HRELP egitasmoa

  1. Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat
Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria

ISSN: 1130-8435

Año de publicación: 2015

Título del ejemplar: Lurraldearen eta hizkuntzaren arteko loturak

Número: 95

Páginas: 225-240

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria


The process to revitalise Basque, just as in the case of many other languages, has been and will continue to be long and full of ups and downs. Many projects and as many players are busily involved so that our language can progress from strength to strength. Naturally, we are not the only ones in this predicament and there are thousands of people across the world working in support of their own or other minority languages. In any case, the cooperation of those who are in the same situation is tremendously important if one wants to revitalise languages, and it is advisable to have what one is doing externally evaluated. What people outside say and think about us is interesting for other reasons, for example, to find out what image we are projecting abroad. So there is a powerful project by the name of HRELP working with minority languages at SOAS, University of London, and this article covers the questions presented to its members about Basque and its revitalisation process.