Festivales cinematográficosen el punto de mira de la historiografía fílmica

  1. Vallejo Vallejo, Aida
Secuencias: Revista de historia del cine

ISSN: 1134-6795

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Festivales cinematográficos

Issue: 39

Pages: 31-42

Type: Article

More publications in: Secuencias: Revista de historia del cine


The international proliferation of film festivals, and their growing influence on film production and circulation since the 1990s, has put them in the focus of film historiography. This essay presents a general overview of this phenomenon, which has attracted the attention of the academy in recent years. Firstly, I reflect on the theoretical and methodological frames around which this research line has evolved, and secondly, I offer a historical reconstruction of the evolution of film festivals in the international sphere. Following De Valck's historical analysis (2007, 2012), four different periods are identified: the first, from the interwar period to 1968, is ruled by international diplomacy; the second, which follows the uprisings in May 1968, gives control to the programmers; the third, from the 1980s until 2000, witnesses the incorporation of industrial activities into their programmers; and the fourth is characterised by a saturation of 'the system and the diffusion of the model to peripheral spaces at the turn of the century. Regarding theory and methodology, the study of film festivals has been marked by its interdisciplinary character from its beginnings, as it has borrowed references and research tools from Anthropology, Cultural Studies, and the History of Cinema. Within this framework, the study of film festivals addresses key issues to help understand the social and historical contexts in which artis¬tic movements, national cinemas and cinematographic theory itself have developed.

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