Angle of Loll Calculation By Cubic Spline
ISSN: 1697-4840
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Pages: 21-26
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of maritime research: JMR
Several years ago the Basque Government supported the programming of the software ARKITSAS in order to provide all existing vessels with a specific software to calculate stability, cargo and longitudinal strength data. The aim of this article is to present the part of that research concerning the definition of the static stability curve by cubic spline in its initial end when the metacentric height is negative. Taking into account that the slope at initial end is known, the precision of the results for low heeling angles may be improved and, in this way, the accuracy in the calculation of loll should be enhanced. This method of calculation is compared to other traditional methods used for wall-sided ships by the application to three different ships.