Hegelel largo camino hacia su filosofía. De Frankfurt a Jena

  1. Insausti Ugarriza, Xabier
Taula: Quaderns de pensament

ISSN: 0214-6657

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 45

Pages: 15-32

Type: Article

More publications in: Taula: Quaderns de pensament


This paper analyses Hegel's philosophical journey from Frankfurt (1797) to Jena (1804/5), before the elaboration of his definitive system. It concentrates on his efforts to create a philosophical «system» and within its outline it focuses above all on the first part, that is, his Logic and Metaphysics. This is a difficult stage to study because Hegel was aware that the «truth» itself of philosophy depended on the very same structure of the system. Since everything depended on the type of system, there was no truth out of it. It is essential to regard this period of Hegel's work as the necessary path towards his definitive system which came soon after.

Bibliographic References

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