Euskal antropologiaren arestiko garaiaeuskal nortasunaren oinarriak eraikitzen

  1. Fernández de Labastida, Ixone
Kobie. Antropología cultural

ISSN: 0214-7939

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 17

Pages: 55-69

Type: Article

More publications in: Kobie. Antropología cultural

Sustainable development goals


Although Basque anthropology became entrenched in the early twentieth century, before that, the ideal context for its emergence had been planned. The origin and early development of anthropology, in general, has been closely linked to the socio-political context. In the case of the Basque Country, we must seek the foundations of this area of knowledge in both; the strong feeling of nostalgia generated after the loss of the own regional laws in the nineteenth century and in the influence of European Romanticism. This particular frame has fully conditioned the character of local anthropology and has also helped ingrain a particular vision of Basque culture and identity.