Comparativa técnica y prospectiva de las principales plataformas MOOC de código abierto
- Pereira Varela, Juanan
- Sanz Santamaría, Silvia
- Gutiérrez Serrano, Julián
ISSN: 1578-7680
Year of publication: 2014
Issue Title: Buenas prácticas de innovación educativa
Issue: 44
Type: Article
More publications in: RED: revista de educación a distancia
The development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a worldwide growing phenomenon. All these courses are based on technology platforms whose technical features should be taken into account, especially in the case of open source developments. Therefore, when making a choice, it is equally important -or even more- to analyze the general functional features of the platform as the more technical aspects. In this sense, there is a variety of important details to analyze, both of a political nature: what kind of IP rights are linked to the use of the platform? Under what license are distributed? As economic: does it already exist what I want to do? Can I reuse something or do I have to build it from scratch? And educational: what are the main technical features? How to analyze and adapt the students' learning path based on their use of the platform? How to support thousands of concurrent users efficiently and effectively? This work aims to contribute with a comparative analysis of the major open source MOOC platforms, providing insights to assist those responsible for educational institutions that will develop their own massive courses to make educated decisions on the platform to use. This research also includes a prospective analysis of future lines of work that the most active platforms are working on currently.
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