Pseudo-traductions et traducteurs fictifs dans l'oeuvre de l'écrivain basque Joseba Sarrionandia

  1. Aiora Jaka Irizar
Meta: Journal des traducteurs = translators' journal

ISSN: 0026-0452

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 59

Issue: 1

Pages: 24-46

Type: Article


More publications in: Meta: Journal des traducteurs = translators' journal


The aim of this article is to highlight the creative potential that pseudo-translations and fictitious translators can bring to the work of a writer, as well as the contribution they can make to the development of a literature, all the more so when this writer belongs to a minority literature that does not have a long, abundant literary tradition. By means of examples extracted from the work of Basque writer and translator Joseba Sarrionandia, who often tries to create the illusion that a text written by him is a translation of a foreign work or that one of his translations was found or translated by a fictitious character, we will attempt to demonstrate how these norm-transgressing literary practices, which oscillate between translation and literary creation, question some traditional concepts and definitions, such as the source text's originality, an author's exclusive possession of a text, the translator's invisibility or the authenticity and purity of languages and literatures. <br> <br><br>Plan de l'article<br><br> 1. Introduction<br> 2. Apocryphes ou pseudo-traductions<br> 2.1. Mohammed Al-Kali, guerrier et poète du désert africain<br> 2.2. Apollinaire Babiol, écrivain français ou compagnon d'infortune ?<br> 2.3. Jeronymo Oliveira da Verdade, imitateur portugais d'Horace<br> 2.4. Martin Murua, auteur du poème basque recueilli par Francesco Malatesta<br> 2.5. Berceuse anonyme et poèmes d'un prisonnier basque<br> 2.6. Gudröd Haaleg, fils du roi de Norvège<br> 2.7. Traductions de pseudo-traductions : où est l'original ?<br> 3. Traducteurs fictifs<br> 3.1. Tomas Gomez, chercheur en littérature nordique<br> 3.2. Jose Ramon Negrete, traducteur des textes nahuatl<br> 3.3. Kepa Zenika, auteur de la version basque du texte finlandais Kalevala<br> 3.4. Les enfants de quatre coins du monde<br> 3.5. Martin Lezeta et Ismael Larrea, hétéronymes de Sarrionandia<br> 4. Conclusion<br> <br>