¿Qué fue de la Teoría de las Restricciones?

  1. Olaskoaga Larrauri, Jon
  2. Ranilla Arija, Judit
  3. González Lasquibar, Xabier
Boletín de estudios económicos

ISSN: 0006-6249

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Titel der Ausgabe: El reto de la financiación empresarial

Ausgabe: 69

Nummer: 212

Seiten: 377-391

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de estudios económicos


The Theory of Constraints (TOC), of E. Goldratt, encloses an unfulfilled promise, that of the redemption of the American manager of the eighties. This is the reason of its quick success, but also the cause of its subsequent decadence. The paper analyses the success of the TOC from the interpretative framework provided by theories about fads and fashions in management, and concludes that TOC is well adapted to the economic and political climate of the USA in the eighties, but remains ill-suited for the tendencies affecting modern societies and organisations in the long run

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