Ipar Euskal Herriko gizarte zibilaren egoeraeragileen irudiak

  1. Urteaga Olano, Eguzki
Gogoa: Euskal Herriko Unibersitateko hizkuntza, ezagutza, komunikazio eta ekintzari buruzko aldizkaria

ISSN: 1577-9424

Year of publication: 2004

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 327-345

Type: Article

More publications in: Gogoa: Euskal Herriko Unibersitateko hizkuntza, ezagutza, komunikazio eta ekintzari buruzko aldizkaria

Sustainable development goals


Lately, talk about "civil society" is proliferating in the mass media and in academic discourse as well. The term is often used to refer to associations that are distinguished from public institutions, political parties and labor unions. Most research works characterize these civil associations in terms of the movements they generate or by their members, considered as militants. However, talking about just one civil society is still problematic. It seems that it is divided according to national or regional criteria. In this essay I try to clarify wether there is a civil society in the Northern Basque Country and, if so, which are its similarities and differences with the rest of the Country. I think that the structure and strategy of the French state, a lack of autonomous institutions by the Northern Basque Country, the state of the development of Basque nationalist associations and political parties and their difficult communication with the non-nationalists contribute to some particular characteristics of civil society in the Northern Basque Country.