Trasplantes de médula ósea. El servicio público y la eficiencia económica

  1. Zulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz
  2. Etxeberria Agiriano, Ismael
  3. Calvo Gordillo, Isidro
  4. López Guede, José Manuel

ISSN: 1989-7022

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Biobancos y otros desafíos en ética de la investigación

Issue: 4

Pages: 57-65

Type: Article

More publications in: Dilemata


In this paper we criticize the existing contradictions in the context of bone marrow donor records in Spain. On the one hand there is the necessity to register as many patients as possible to maximize the opportunities to access a bone marrow transplant and on the other the always important economic issue of having to perform the relevant histocompatibility tests. In fact, these records are globally coordinated with each other to provide a wide range of potential donors and make better use of existing resources. It should be noted that many patients who should have a transplant but who do not achieve a sufficient donor support must follow a medical treatment with high economic costs with tragic results for many of them. For example, those suffering from certain types of leukemia, when not finding that compatible donor, must follow chemotherapy-based treatments. There are also cord blood units banks which allow performing these transplants, also coordinated at the international level. Therefore, according to the principle of reciprocity, it is not justifiable that some countries are doing an important economic effort to have a large registration while others take advantage without making an equivalent effort according to their economic and population size.

Bibliographic References

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  • Meter Hollands and Catherina McCauley, “Private Cord Blood Banking: Current Use and Clinical Future”, Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2009) 5:195-203.
  • Fernando Savater, Ética como amor propio, Ariel, 1988:78-79.
  • Gregorio Garrido-Cantarero y Rafael Matesanz. Epidemiología de la donación y el trasplante en España. Enfer Infecc Microbiol Clin; 25:54, 2007.