Automatización en la Creación de Apuntes y Ejercicios

  1. Zulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz
  2. López Guede, José Manuel
  3. González, Asier
  4. Ruiz, Roberto
Formación Universitaria

ISSN: 0718-5006

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 1

Issue: 5

Pages: 15-20

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-50062008000500003 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Formación Universitaria

Sustainable development goals


This work presents a system for the automatic generation of classroom notes and problems. The system is oriented to be used in the area of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, although it can be used in other areas. The methodology followed is based on the use of existing tools in the market and their integration in a transparent way for the user. The chosen tools have been Microsoft Word and Mathworks Matlab. They have been integrated using Visual Basic to develop a system denominated MathWord. The system allows a user interacting with Microsoft Word to dynamically generate sets of classroom notes and exercises in a transparent way for the user. The proposed system allows the automatic generation of customized classroom notes and exercises for the students