Consecuencias de la sobrecarga del Estado y la globalización en la concepción del Estado de bienestar. Hacia un régimen de prestaciones sociales condicionadas
ISSN: 0210-2862, 2013-9004
Year of publication: 2006
Issue: 81
Pages: 119-129
Type: Article
More publications in: Papers: revista de sociología
Welfare State needs the rethinking of the bases in which is settled due to its overload crisis as well as due to globalization. Those reasons have brought the arrival of new State concepts far from keynesian model, which make the citizens more responsible for their own wellbeing in a world ruled by economic competition. Models theorized by Bob Jessop («Schumpeterian Workfare State»), Philip Cerny («Competition State»), Philip Bobbit («Market State») or Anthony Giddens («Investor Social State»), could be seen as an example of how the welfare is submitted to market.