Forma dramática y problemas de comunicación y conocimiento en "Traquinias" y "Edipo rey"
ISSN: 0213-9634
Year of publication: 2006
Issue: 19
Pages: 9-28
Type: Article
More publications in: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica
It is interesting to note the prevailing preference of Trachiniae to the long narrative rheseis, which practically fill a quarter of the play. Contrasted with such a peculiar tragedy, Oedipus Tyrannus stands out. For it is characterized for being just the opposite, that is, it has a fondness of dialogue instead of monologue. The tendency towards one or the other has been related with the chronological order; however, an evaluation of the facts as a whole can perhaps lead us to a different type of solution. One which is focused on the subjects of the plays and on an issue which is raised in both from various points of view. What I am referring to is the problem of communication among human beings.
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