Deporte y autoconcepto físico en la preadolescencia
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
ISSN: 1577-4015, 2014-0983
Year of publication: 2004
Issue: 77
Pages: 18-24
Type: Article
More publications in: Apunts: Educación física y deportes
It is con si de red pro bed that the physi cal ac ti vity and the sport prac ti se keep di rect re la tion with the self-concept and that this re la tion is bi di rec tio nal. But this af fir ma tion pre ci ses to be clari fied since also it is known, for exam ple, that they don’t de ri ve wit hout more be ne fi cial ef fects of all physi cal ac ti vity, that as so cia tions have been found bet ween the cor po ral dis sa tis fac tion and the ex ces si ve physi cal exer ci se or that turns out ina de qua te to allu de to self-concept of ge ne ric form wit hout dif fe ren tia ting di men sions from the same one. In this study, made with 343 stu dents of 13 to 16 years, facts from a new Ques tion nai re of Physi cal Self-concept are of fe red that allow nee ding the exis ting re la tions hip bet ween the physi cal self-concept and va ria bles such as, sport prac ti se, ge nus, age, the in dex of cor po ral mass and the de gree of cor po ral sa tis fac tion.