Un caserío vascoEl patrimonio arqueológico que no está como recurso didáctico

  1. Teresa Campos López
Nuevas tendencias en investigación e innovación en didáctica de la historia, patrimonio cultural y memoria. Proyección educativa
  1. María de la Encarnación Cambil Hernández (coord.)
  2. Fabiana de Oliveira (coord.)
  3. Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas (coord.)
  4. Guadalupe Romero-Sánchez (coord.)
  5. Adailson José Rui (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-6766-7

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 493-507

Type: Book chapter


Education in archaeological heritage is necessary to raise awareness of its meaning and importance, as well as to generate protection and conservation attitudes. We understand, therefore, that the best way to preserve our heritage is to valuing and by giving new meanings -(re)signification- through their knowledge, being much more effective if this knowledge occurs in the school stage. By working with these resources in the classroom – and outside it also- you become to promote critical and reflective capacity over the comprehension of our society and to understand the elements that define it. So, we present this work that it focused on a local research done in Besoitaormaetxea farmhouse of Berriz (Vizcay) in terms of valuing cultural heritage, and, in which, from a historical point of view, we can see from the occupation before the stone building 16th century until today. It is a heritage education proposal that comes from an archaeological and historical research, these results are displayed in a scientific illustration. Is, therefore, a project of education and heritage sensitisation, in which possible and multiple lines performance in the Social Sciences Didactics are used to generate links, relations and provide value and meaning –based on historical knowledge- to the heritage next to the school pupils, encouraging its conservation.