Errores en la comunicación científicael caso de la Evolución Humana en los medios

  1. Jon Ander Garibi Polo 1
  2. José Domingo Villarroel Villamor 1
  3. Alvaro Antón Baranda 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España


XXVI Jornadas de Investigación en Psicodidáctica
  1. Rakel Gamito Gomez (coord.)
  2. Judit Martínez Abajo (coord.)
  3. María Teresa Vizcarra Morales (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-1319-137-9

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 251-267

Biltzarra: Jornadas de Investigación en Psicodidáctica (26. 2019. Leioa)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


In this paper an evaluation tool is created for the analysis of the information provided by the media on human evolution, aiming to contribute to the knowledge of society about this subject and the improvement of scientific dissemination. News related with this topic and published in a period of two years in both written and digital media were selected. The pieces were examined by establishing a set of categories based on the most common conceptual errors found in the previous investigation. The results show how news containing errors are more frequent than the correct ones. It has been concluded that the information transmitted by the media about human evolution is mostly incorrect and, therefore, the educational role of the media is improvable. The relevance of this line of research is highlighted.