Desigualdad de género en relaciones adolescentes. Trabajo con alumnado del Grado de Educación Social

  1. Inge Axpe
  2. Nuria Galende
  3. Guillermo Infante
FECIES 2013: X Foro Internacional sobre Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior
  1. María Teresa Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
  2. Tamara Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
  3. María Paz Bermúdez Sánchez (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual AEPC

ISBN: 978-84-697-0237-6

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 1408-1412

Congress: Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación (10. 2013. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


Background: Gender violence among teenagers is a problem no less worrisome than in adults. However, it often goes unnoticed, having been naturalized and integrated in youngs' relationships. Method: During the 2011-12 term, through the Interdisciplinary Activity Module (IAM) of the first semester of the second year of the Bachelor of Social Education (School of Education of Bilbao, UPV / EHU), the Educational Psychology subject offers three seminars on this topic. The first one is an approach to gender violence. The second one delves into the background, and in the third one the students present a material (audiovisual, printed ...) which they have previously analyzed focusing in whether or not it bears gender stereotypes or legitimizes gender violence. If it does, students should propose alternatives which promote egalitarian relationships. Results and conclusions: The students' works show high involvement and motivation. However, it notes the need to improve the design of the activity and background readings, since at the end of the third seminar some students maintain the same social misconceptions that legitimate sexist relations.