CUI@IUI: Theoretical and methodological challenges in intelligent conversational user interface interactions

  1. Doyle, P.R.
  2. Rough, D.J.
  3. Edwards, J.
  4. Cowan, B.R.
  5. Clark, L.
  6. Porcheron, M.
  7. Schlögl, S.
  8. Torres, M.I.
  9. Munteanu, C.
  10. Murad, C.
  11. Sin, J.
  12. Lee, M.
  13. Aylett, M.P.
  14. Candello, H.
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI

ISBN: 9781450380188

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 12-14

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1145/3397482.3450706 GOOGLE SCHOLAR