Interrelationships in the Gypsum-Syngenite-Görgeyite System and Their Possible Formation on Mars

  1. García-Florentino, C.
  2. Gomez-Nubla, L.
  3. Huidobro, J.
  4. Torre-Fdez, I.
  5. Ruíz-Galende, P.
  6. Aramendia, J.
  7. Hausrath, E.M.
  8. Castro, K.
  9. Arana, G.
  10. Madariaga, J.M.

ISSN: 1531-1074

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 21

Issue: 3

Pages: 332-344

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1089/AST.2020.2319 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals