Evaluación basada en competencias en las asignaturas del área MIDE

  1. J.F. Lukas 1
  2. Karlos Santiago 1
  3. Luis Joaristi 1
  4. Luis Lizasoain 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación Universidad del País Vasco
Experiencias innovadoras en el aprendizaje a través de la evaluación. EVALtrends 2011: EVALtrends 2011 Evaluar para aprender en la Universidad

Publisher: Bubok Publishing

ISBN: 978-84-15490-04-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 8-20

Type: Book chapter


Over these last few years, while being a gradual process, the conceptualization of the nature of learning, performance and evaluation has radically changed. These transformations have taken place not exclusively in non-university education but also at third level. The winds of change brought by Bologna have, through ECTS methodology and the management of credits at a European level, initiated changes in the traditional teaching-learning processes. In an effort to adapt the subjects related to educational research to this new framework, taking advantage to enhance the motivation of the students, the following skills-based innovation evaluation project was undertaken. The subjects were divided into three sections: lectures, classroom practice and directed work. In order to carry out the evaluation of the process, formative evaluation was heavily involved; the teacher observing the student’s work in an ongoing manner, analysing the work collected in and getting back the results to the student with the pertinent guidance points for improvement. To analyse the results, besides the self-assessment by the student himself or herself, the grades obtained in the theoretical part of the subject and in the teaching practices were also applied to the “Study processes questionnaire (CPE)”. The results thus obtained showed that: a) in the 3 subjects under study in the innovation, the majority of students reached most of the pre-established skills; b) the grades obtained in the exam and the number of skills acquired are related, i.e. the greater the scoring in the exam the greater number of skills acquired; c) there is a relation between the grades obtained in the teaching practices and the number of skills acquired; d) there is a relation between the style of learning and the number of skills acquired; e) comparing the beginning to the end of the course, there were considerable differences in the number of skills acquired.