Criterios, principios e indicadores de conectividad para la inclusividad responsable en ciencia y tecnología

  1. Julieta Barrenechea
  2. Andoni Ibarra 1
  1. 1 Andoni Ibarra
Caleidoscopio: revista semestral de ciencias sociales y humanidades

ISSN: 1405-7107 2395-9576

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 43

Type: Article

DOI: 10.33064/43CRSCSH1983 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Caleidoscopio: revista semestral de ciencias sociales y humanidades


Consideration of a more responsible approach to research in science and technology is contributing to a decisive change in our image of science, which is moving away from an essentialist conception to one that is projected more towards socially desirable outcomes and innovations. The concept of RRI also postulates the need for governance mechanisms in scientific and technological practices. However, in the current debate it is unclear what should be understood by social desirability or inclusive governance. Contributions aiming to operationalize RRI, by means of principles and criteria for their evaluation, predominantly advocate a reductionist conceptualization of responsibility encapsulated in certain predetermined dimensions. By contrast, this paper propounds that responsibility should be relationally conceived as co-responsibility based on the inclusiveness of societal actors, and provides a tool that considers the factors, dimensions and indicators needed to operationalize inclusiveness based on socially relevant connectivity. This tool has been developed on the basis of fieldwork carried out at the Cooperative Research Center CIC bioGUNE – Basque Country.

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