Design and fabrication of the ess-bilbao rfq prototype models
- Bustinduy, I.
- Mũnoz, J.L.
- Madariaga, I.
- V́elez, A.
- Gonźalez, O.
- Gonźalez, P.
- De Cos, D.
- Feuchtwanger, J.
- Ghiglino, A.
- Sordo, F.
- Garmendia, N.
- Rueda, I.
- Bermejo, F.J.
- Portilla, J.
- Etxebarria, V.
- Garbayo, A.
- Lawrie, S.
- Letchford, A.
- Savage, P.
- Pozimski, J.
- Jolly, S.
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
ISBN: 9783954501151
Year of publication: 2012
Pages: 3228-3230
Type: Conference paper