Fisheries policy and the Cofradias in the Basque countrythe case of Albacore and Anchovy

  1. Astorkitza Ikazuriaga, Kepa Andoni
  2. Valle Erquiaga, Miren Ikerne del
  3. Astorkiza Ikazuriaga, Inmaculada
Documentos de Trabajo ( Universidad Pública de Navarra. Departamento de Economía )

Año de publicación: 1998

Número: 9

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo


The specific problem on wich this paper aim to focus is the analysis of the regulatory capacity of Fishermen's Guilds in the Basque Country within the framework of Spanish State fishing legislation and the legislation of the European Union, with particular emphasis on Guild enforced regulation of Albacore Tuna and Anchovy fishing. This analysis will be made not much from the legal as from the economic standpoint and aims to examine the self-regulatory measures taken by the Guilds.