Nuevas necesidades de atención bucodental en relación a la inmigración. Estudio de prevalencia de fluorosis dental en un colectivo adolescente.
ISSN: 1695-2286
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Pages: 28-32
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista vasca de odonto-estomatología = Odontoestomatologiaren Euskal aldizkaria
The massive influx of immigrants in our country, causes changes in the patterns of oral disease. The purpose that we set was to determine the prevalence of dental fluorosis in a young group of immigrants compared to a control group of native Spanish. The diagnostic criterio used in the surveys was the Dean index. lmmigrant adolescents hove high levels of dental fluorosis (37.7%) compared with the native Spanisn (3.1%). lt is necessary to deepen the theoretical and clinical features of this condition and bring our expertise and assistance to the new needs of children and adolescents.