Incidencia de las variables grupales en el desarrollo del razonamiento de justicia

  1. Caba Collado, María Ángeles de la
Revista de investigación educativa, RIE

ISSN: 0212-4068

Year of publication: 1993

Volume: 11

Issue: 22

Pages: 61-86

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de investigación educativa, RIE


The psychopedagogic investigation made in two last decades about values has made easier a recognition of reasoning in the development of values. However, the most of the investigation in the classroom are pointed in a wide perspective and they give us few information about interpersonal values that are referred to the group of class. The investigation that is shown here wants, exactly, give answer to the neccessity of face up to the classroom reality. More accurately it is treated to study the values and reasoning that pupils use in the conflictive interpersonal situations. The stablished purpose bom of the reflection about contributions of the Cognitivedevelopment models. The respect to companions and teacher are group values that grow up with a certain level of improvement of the justice reasoning. The main purpose of this investigation is to develop the reasoning and study the influence of group situations in this development. So, we have made an intervention study, with a quasi-experimental design, in 5th and 8th EGB of two public schools of Vizcaya, with a total of 203 children, belonging to a low socioeconomic enviroment and distributed in experimental classes (95) and controls (104). The experimental treatment XIA which swits with discussions with homogenous levels. The treatment X2 has an unique modality that consists in personal reflection without fellows. Besides, we try to analize the effects of discussion strategies.