Co-creación de conocimiento para la inclusión del enfoque de servicios de los ecosistemas en la ordenación del territorio del País Vasco
- Miren Onaindia Olalde
- Lorena Peña López
- Beatriz Fernández de Manuel
- Leire Méndez
- Maria Viota
- Ibone Ameztaga Arregui
ISSN: 1697-2473
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Interfaz ciencia-gestión-sociedad en el ámbito de la conservación: avances conceptuales y metodológicos
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Ecosistemas: Revista científica y técnica de ecología y medio ambiente
The type of sustainable development to which we aspire needs, among other things, to be based on scientific knowledge, social agreements and political decisions that direct management towards a sustainability path. Therefore, it is essential to identify the knowledge needed by the political and technical community and the type of science that is required to be developed for this purpose. The objective of this study was to analyze the work developed through a community of practice, which is contributing to an efficient collaboration between researchers and managers. The transdisciplinary work experience is based on a holistic and collaborative approach between university teams and public administration technical teams at different scales (Government, County Councils, Town-halls). The object of study of this community of practice is the application of the Ecosystem Services Approach in land management policies. The aim is the sustainable development of the territory based on the co-creation of knowledge for the application in policies. Because of the collaborative work, the approach based on ecosystem services has been included in the Guidelines for Territorial Planning of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. This means that all the different departments of the Administration at different scales must implement actions to maintain ecosystem services and the promotion of a local green infrastructure. The results show that the bridges between science and management can be successful in establishing scientific-based management guidelines.