Recuperación y gestión integrales del Fuerte Sancti Spiritus y su entorno (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina)El asentamiento originario
- Gordón Baeza, Juan José (coord.)
- Sastre de Diego, Isaac (coord.)
- Aguado Serrano, Carolina (coord.)
- Enríquez de Salamanca, Guillermo (coord.)
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 17
Pages: 124-137
Type: Article
Much of the work developed in the site of Sancti Spiritus during 2015-2016 period was focused on the understanding of the configuration and articulation of the native settlement, already inhabited when the expedition commended by Sebastian Cabot arrived. Thanks to the results of the archeological excavations, and the subsequent archaeometrical and historical analysis, we have been able to take a qualitative step forward in the historical characterization of the pre-colonial settlement.