The case of the brains of La PedrajaForensic sciences and historical memory in Spain
- Francisco Etxeberria
- Fernando Serrulla
ISSN: 2174-3487, 2174-9221
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Shades of Science
Issue: 10
Pages: 109-117
Type: Article
More publications in: Mètode Science Studies Journal: Annual Review
Here we present the key elements of forensic intervention as a method to obtain formal evidence for use in historical memory claims made in Spain since the year 2000, all within a general human rights framework. There are enough human and material resources to meet this social demand, but collaboration with all the necessary public administrations is also required. As an example, here we present the unusual phenomenon of brain preservation at the mass grave of La Pedraja. The study of these brains broadened our knowledge of the potential existence of ante-mortem injuries and is a way to deepen forensic investigation some 80 years after the original events occurred.
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