Lurrarengan interbentzioa, ezinbestekoa burujabetza garatu nahi duen elikadura eredu barentzat

  1. Juan Cruz Alberdi Collantes 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
Lurralde: Investigación y espacio

ISSN: 0211-5891

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 41

Pages: 299-322

Type: Article

More publications in: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio


This article gathers the results that in matters of food sovereignty and agrarian soil are having different initiatives that are being developed in Guipúzcoa. First, the research focuses on defining the concept of food sovereignty, highlighting the role that local initiative has in the development of this concept. Secondly, we proceed to summarize and criticize the results of the projects that have been carried out in Usurbil and Goierri on this subject. These projects demonstrate that it is possible to feed the population of these regions based on the agronomic possibilities of their environment and that this would generate a dynamic of development and positive local employment. Third, we analyze the few examples of materialization of initiatives developed in this territory but which have the virtue of starting a road to travel.

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