Explorando el potencial de los dispositivos electrónicos y de las redes sociales en el proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje de los universitarios

  1. Altuzarra Artola, Amaia
  2. Galvez, Catalina
  3. Gonzalez, Ana
Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa

ISSN: 1135-9250

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 64

Pages: 18-40

Type: Article

DOI: 10.21556/EDUTEC.2018.64.1031 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa


This study examines, from the perspective of the students, the relationship between different teaching methods and the use of electronic devices and social networks in the Faculty of Economics and Business. The methodology includes multivariate statistical techniques and cluster analysis. The results show that the penetration of mobile technology and social networks in the university environment that we have studied is characterized by a wide diversity, because of both the different use of social networks by students and the different perception of the contribution of web 2.0 tools to their learning process.

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