Irakasle ofizioa ikastenPracticumaren esperientzia

  1. Iriondo Arana, Itziar
  2. Plazaola, Itziar
  3. Zulaika, Teresa
Tantak: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko hezkuntza aldizkaria

ISSN: 0214-9753

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 30

Issue: 2

Pages: 117-151

Type: Article

More publications in: Tantak: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko hezkuntza aldizkaria


This paper presents the results of a research study focusing on a training environment designed to foster the teaching skills of novice teachers. The study is located within the field of videobased training, which in turn forms part of the research and training approach known as activity analysis. The focus of study is a teaching Practicum. Identifying the process through which novice teachersmust go to become expert teachers leads us to explore a highly complex and interlinked series of phenomena. The paper will highlight the specific characteristics of novice teachers’ activity, the development of their training, one typical activity linked to language teaching and the need for collaborationagreements between schools and universities.

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