Multifuncionalidad y polisemiadescripción sintáctica, semántica y pragmática del griego οὐδέ
ISSN: 0013-6662
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 86
Issue: 2
Pages: 303-326
Type: Article
More publications in: Emerita: Revista de lingüística y filología clásica
Οὐδέ shows a great multifunctionality and polysemy in ancient Greek, to such an extent that its inclusion in traditional syntactic categories has been difficult. This paper is a contribution to its syntactic, semantic and pragmatic description carried out in the corpus of the Greek Novels preserved in their entirety, five works written between the 1st and the 4th centuries in an Aticist Greek. The analysis has revealed that οὐδέ fulfils two functions: that of connector or collaborator in the connection between discursive units; and that of modifier of a discursive segment, which it marks as a inclusive focus. Both functions allow us to include it among discursive markers or particles.
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