Tokiko eskalan balorazio zoogeografikoa egiteko proposamen metodologikoa eta balorazioaren emaitzak. Mutrikuko (Euskal Herria) hiri antolamenduko plan orokorraren eredua

  1. Itxaro Latasa Zaballos 1
  2. Pedro Jose Lozano Valencia 1
  3. Itziar Barinaga-Rementeria Zabaleta 1
  4. Iker Etxano Gandariasbeitia 1
  5. Oihana Garcia Alonso 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
Lurralde: Investigación y espacio

ISSN: 0211-5891

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 40

Pages: 193-222

Type: Article

More publications in: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio


The article focuses on an inventory and zoogeographic assessment method within a process of planning and management at the municipal level, in particular with a view to the development of the General Urban Development Plan of Mutriku, in the autonomous community of the Basque country (CAPV) (Spain). To date, these issues have been overlooked in all those plans at the local level, however, this exercice is a clear example of the need to include studies, diagnoses and alternatives relating to fauna, in this case the Group of vertebrates. The main objective is the development of a methodological tool for the zoogeographic assessment and evaluation to these local scales. This model, put up in the town of Mutriku, in a pioneering and experimental way, is intended to be to be applied to the rest of the municipalities of the Basque Country as a tool for assessment, planning and management. This way, the partial results derived from the zoogeographic assessment within this space are displayed.

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