"Mailu batekin: Biola batekin" (1962)un libro desconocido de Gabriel Aresti
- 1 Universidad País Vasco
ISSN: 2255-4505
Año de publicación: 2017
Título del ejemplar: La poesía como documento histórico (poesía contemporánea en España). Una propuesta crítica
Volumen: 5
Número: 2
Páginas: 337-353
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Pasavento: revista de estudios hispánicos
The analysis of the acclaimed Basque poet Gabriel Aresti’s (1933–1975) "Mailu batekin: Biola batekin" (1962) –a collection of poems that has remained unknown by the public until recently– will cover two processes: the act of writing and publishing, processes that are not always connected throughout the author’s career as a poet. The discovery and the release of the aforementioned book have provoked a change in some of the established opinions critics held on the author, specially, as far as the dating of the “cornerstone symbol” in his poetry is concerned. Taking into account the coherence of the book, a close examination allows the possibility of outlining the ideological pillars of the author and the keys to his political and aesthetical thinking.
Referencias bibliográficas
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