Constitución tectono-estratigráfica del Corredor Blastomilonítico de Badajoz-Córdoba:nueva propuesta de subdivisión
- B. Abalos 1
- L. Eguiluz 1
- O. Apalategui 2
- 1 Dep. Estratigrafía, Geodinámica y Paleontología. Unív. del País Vasco
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 1989
Issue: 7
Pages: 71-73
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
In this paper a new tectono-stratigraphic subdivision far the materials from the Badajoz-Córdoba Shear Belt based on field geology and P-T metamorphic analitical data is suggested. Five stacked slices with different lithological features and metamorphic histories constitute an allochthonous tectonic pile of Upper Precambrian age. The stack overrides a lower-grade pelitic para-authochthonous during the regional D, Pan-African-Cadomian orogenic event.