Amenazas dentro de los procesos de mundialización textil y relación con la RSE a través de un análisis Delphiética o estética

  1. Arturo Luque González 1
  2. Juan Hernández Zubizarreta 2
  3. Carmen de Pablos Heredero 1
  1. 1 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Madrid, España


  2. 2 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España


Sociedad y utopía: Revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1133-6706

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 47

Pages: 189-225

Type: Article

More publications in: Sociedad y utopía: Revista de ciencias sociales

Sustainable development goals


The objective of this research is to analyze qualitatively the factors and conditions that threaten and, in some cases, facilitate textile production system globally, damped many of its negative impact on CSR policies as well as other factors as corruption or colluding political alongside commercial interests. The international textile sector has articulated a number of mechanisms and routines which surpass in many cases the current legislation, exploring the limits of the system, generating benefits and helplessness but not all equal but in different proportions. Hence the need for an investigation that helps identifying the emerging and latent threats within the sector by making use of a Delphi analysis in which the responses have been studied by means of two panels composed by 55 experts with two multidisciplinary questionnaires with open questions (to develop) and the degree of affinity (test) to the proposals made. A set of conclusions that provide insight on how the textile industry is working in a more accurate way have been extracted. This analysis may be useful for governments and businesses, in order to carry out future actions to improve or remove the irregularities of the process by identifying threats.