Narraciones orales en vasco y español de niños inmigrantesaprendiendo dos lenguas nuevas

  1. Díaz de Gereñu Lasaga, Leire
  2. García Azkoaga, Inés María
Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration

ISSN: 1889-5425 2660-7166

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration


Basque and Spanish oral narratives of immigrant children: learning two new languages. We analyze oral narratives produced by immigrant pupils studying in a total immersion model in Euskera (Model D) in two schools of the Basque Autonomous Community, located in different socio-linguistic contexts. Through an experimental device, we collect texts produced in Basque and Spanish which are compared and analyzed by means of a model of text architecture. We study the structure, the presentation of the characters, the text organizers, verbal cohesion and modalizations and also ergative use in the case of Basque. The results show that oral narrative skills are achieved by immigrant pupils and that the abilities of these children producing this text genre in Basque and Spanish are similar to those observed in studies with either L1 Basque or L1 Spanish native children who study in the same linguistic model. Consequently, we see that school plays an important mediating role in learning and language development.

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