El límite en la cuantía de los complementos por mínimosun recorte en las prestaciones sociales de cuantía reducida

  1. Elixabete Errandonea Ulazia 1
  1. 1 Universidad País Vasco
Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

ISSN: 1136-3819

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: La docencia en los estudios de Relaciones Laborales: nuevas propuestas

Issue: 33

Pages: 75-87

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

Sustainable development goals


The minimum amounts of contributory pensions are a solidarity instrument in the social security system. The complements in order to reach those miminum amounts fill out the difference between the pension that has been caused and the minimum amount stablished by law. However, since the first of January 2013, the amount of this complements is limited to the amount of non contributory pensions. This new limit reduce those complements and affects the minimum pensions stablished, which are no longer minimum amounts for all pensioners. So that, this new limit affects, with some exceptions, pensioners with very low pensions.This new cut will mainly affect women who chiefly receive this complement since their pensions have the lowest amounts.

Bibliographic References

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