Emociones e historia. Presentación

  1. Díaz Freire, José Javier

ISSN: 1134-2277 2255-5838

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 98

Orrialdeak: 13-20

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ayer

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

  • Gordon H. Bower: «How Emotions Might Affect Learning», en Sven-Ake Christianson (ed.): The Handbook of Emotion and Memory: Research and Theory, Hillsdale, LEA, 1992.
  • Darrin M. McMahon: «Finding Joy in the History of Emotions», en Susan J. Matt y Peter N. Stearns (eds.): Doing Emotions History, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2014.
  • Penelope Gouk y Helen Hills: Representing Emotions. New Connections in the Histories of Art, Music, and Medicine, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, 2005.
  • Jan Plamper: «The History of Emotions: An Interview with William Reddy, Barbara Rosenwein, and Peter Stearns», History and Theory, 49 (2010), pp. 248 y 259.
  • Catherine Lutz y Geoffrey M. White: «The Anthropology of Emotion», Annual Review of Anthropology, 15 (1986), pp. 405-436.
  • William M. Reddy: The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  • Paul O’Rorke y Andrew Ortony: «Explaning Emotions», Cognitive Science, 18 (1994), pp. 283-323.
  • William M. Reddy: «Historical Research on the Self and Emotions», Emotion Review, 4-1 (2009), pp. 302-315.
  • Fay Bound Alberti: Matters of the Heart: History, Medicine, and Emotion, Oxford, Oxford Universtity Press, 2012.
  • William M. Reddy: «Against Constructionism: The Historical Ethnography of Emotions», Current Anthropology, 38-3 (1997), pp. 327-351.
  • Burke en Peter Burke: «Is There a Cultural History of the Emotions?», en Penelope Gouk y Helen Hills: Representing Emotions..., pp. 35-48.
  • Barbara H. Rosenwein: «Problems and Methods in the History of Emotions», Passions in Context, I-1 (2010), pp. 1-32.
  • Nicole Eustace: «Emotion and Political Change», en Susan J. Matt y Peter N. Steanrs (eds.): Doing Emotions..., pp. 163-184.
  • Monique Scheer: «Are Emotions a Kind of Practice (and Is That What Makes Them Have a History?). A Bourdieuian Approach to Understanding Emotion», History and Theory, 51 (2012), pp. 193-220.