Y ellas ¿que opinan? 30 años después de la incorporación de la mujer a la Marina Mercante

  1. Ibáñez Fernández, Itsaso
  2. Díaz Tajada, Esperanza
  3. Fernández Martínez, Luis María
Itsas memoria: revista de estudios marítimos del País Vasco

ISSN: 1136-4963

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Portuen historia = Historia portuaria

Issue: 7

Pages: 591-608

Type: Article

More publications in: Itsas memoria: revista de estudios marítimos del País Vasco


In our country, the incorporation of women into the Merchant Navy took place late in the day, when they were finally admitted to attend Nautical Schools to receive the necessary training. This occurred for the first time during the academic year 1979-80. Three decades after this historical milestone, a questionnaire was addressed to graduate women at the Nautical College of the University of the Basque Country. In this paper the results of the performed survey shall be discussed