Los Acuerdos de Asociación Económica de la UE como instrumento de desarrolloanálisis de caso de África Austral
- Bidaurratzaga Aurre, Eduardo
- Colom Jaén, Artur
- Martínez Tola, Elena
ISSN: 1576-0162
Year of publication: 2014
Issue: 38
Pages: 273-298
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de economía mundial
This article aims to show the changes and potential consequences in the economic relations between the EU and Southern Africa, that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) scheme is promoting. The main arguments for changing the previous model, and for the deployment of a new discourse and practice by the EU, clash with the approaches and proposals of some governments in Southern Africa, and also with the views of many scholars. Therefore, it is pertinent to ask to what extent can EPAs be really developmental in Southern Africa and coherent with the rhetoric of partnership and promotion of development by the EU in this region and the whole continent.
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