GaLan (Entornos de Aprendizaje Adaptativos, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos), UPV/EHU

  1. Fernández de Castro, María Isabel
  2. García Alonso Montoya, Alejandro
  3. Urretavizcaya Loinaz, Maite
  4. Arruarte Lasa, Ana
  5. Santisteban Elorriaga, Joseba Andoni
  6. Ferrero Martín, María Begoña
  7. Álvarez, A.
  8. López, J. M.
  9. Zipitria Leaniz-Barrutia, Iraide
  10. Larrañaga Olagaray, Mikel
  11. Losada Pereda, María Begoña
  12. Martín Roldán, Maite
  13. Ruiz Navarro, Samara
  14. Calvo Fabo, Iñaki
  15. Villamañe Gironés, Mikel
  16. Reina Agrasar, David
  17. Conde, A.
IE Comunicaciones: Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa

ISSN: 1699-4574

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 15

Pages: 47-56

Type: Article

More publications in: IE Comunicaciones: Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa


This issue introduces the GaLan research group - Adaptive Learning Environments (Languages and Computer Systems department), of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU. Its main research lines are centered on architectures, interactions and interfaces for learning systems, cognitive diagnosis, authoring tools and, orthogonally, on agile methodologies for interactive applications development.