Application of Biofeedback in the Training of Radio and Television Broadcasters

  1. Toral Madariaga, Gotzon
  2. García Ureta, Irene
  3. Murelaga Ibarra, Jon
Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria

ISSN: 1137-1102

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 30

Pages: 115-133

Type: Article

More publications in: Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria


The training proposal that we have tested includes, along with traditional learning techniques, psychological strategies so that the individual can better face a typically stressful situation: speaking in public and holding the waning attention of the audience. The application of biofeedback techniques helps the communicator to approach an optimum state for managing the personal distance of emotional communication that dominates the public space.

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