"Elegantia" como "dispositio y ordo" en la tratadística gramatical del Cuatrocientos
ISSN: 1137-8905
Year of publication: 2006
Issue Title: Elementos de retórica y poética en la gramática y el comentario filológico: de Isidoro al tiempo de Nebrija
Issue: 17
Pages: 265-298
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Poética Medieval
The Grarnmarians of the XVth century analyse the elegantia from a semantic and syntactic point of view. Modern studies have hardly paid any attention to the latter. However, the real precedence of modern syntax, insomuch as syntax merely suggests fonn and gives a brief glimpse of the pragmatic aspect of language, should be sought in grarnmatical treatise and not only in the grarnmar of the early Renaissance periodo It is true that there is no one combined homogeneous theory, that is why first accounts are found to be sparse but that does not mean they are any less interesting. With this work we aim to present a systemised analysis which can be understood and valued in its entirety and context.