Autoconcepto, Autoestima y Síntomas Psicopatológicos en Personas con y sin DisfemiaUn Análisis Descriptivo y Comparativo
- Garaigordobil Landazabal, Maite
- Pérez Fernández, José Ignacio
ISSN: 1577-7057
Argitalpen urtea: 2007
Alea: 7
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 285-298
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: International journal of psychology and psychological therapy
The purpose of this study is two-fold: 1) to compare the self-concept, self-esteem and psychopathological symptoms in stutterers and non-stutterers; and 2) to study the relationships between self-concept/self-esteem and psychopathological symptoms in stutter and non-stutter participants. The sample is made up of 689 participants aged 19 to 40, 652 non-stutterers and 37 who stutter. The study uses a descriptive and correlational methodology. For the measurement of the variables three assessment instruments were applied: LAEA, EA, SCL-90-R. The ANOVA results show that stutterers had significantly lower scores in self-esteem but higher in psychopathological symptoms than non stutter participants. Pearson coefficients showed significant inverse relationships between self-concept/self-esteem and total psychopathological symptoms both in stutter and non-stutter samples.